
Flat Valve Diaphragm

4810145441651 145441651 0018-6897-820

An item in the form of one or more thin flexible sheets normally designed to form a tight seal between chambers of a valve, and to transmit motion to a valve disk either directly or through a mechanical linkage. The surface of the item(s) may not be formed or molded to have a beaded or rolled edge, ribs, or any other raised surfaces. The item may contain bolt holes and/or a center hole. Excludes DIAPHRAGM, VALVE, SPECIAL SHAPED and GASKET. View more Flat Valve Diaphragm

4810-14-544-1651 DIAPHRAGM,VALVE,FLAT 4810145441651 145441651

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NSN Created on 6 Jan 2005
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January 2023
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4810-14-544-1651 DIAPHRAGM,VALVE,FLAT 4810145441651 145441651 1/1
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