
Stop-Check Valve

4810330052394 330052394 CE6000020-005

A valve with a bolt or stem that may be mechanically actuated to two different positions by rotary or linear motion. In the first position, the valve disk is located and locked against the seat permitting no fluid flow through the valve. In the second position, one side of the valve disk is located against the seat permitting movement of the disk in a manner that will allow a flow of fluid in one direction through the valve. The valve disk may be spring loaded. It may be inline or cartridge (manifold) design. See also VALVE (1), LIFT-CHECK and VALVE (1), STOP-LIFT-CHECK. View more Stop-Check Valve

4810-33-005-2394 VALVE,STOP-CHECK 4810330052394 330052394

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Powered from Spain (ES) 6 Feb 2001 4810-33-206-0466 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-48/fsc-4810/es 4810-33-005-2394
Stop-Check Valve 4810330052394 330052394 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 1 25 Oct 1993 4810-33-005-2394 https/
4810 Valves https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-48/fsc-4810 Valves, Powered from Spain (ES) Oct 1993 4810-33-005-2394
Oct 1999 4810-33-002-2372 Valve Parts Kit KA7-016-050RNCC: 3 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 1 25 Oct 1993 4810-33-005-2394

4810-33-005-2394 Demil Restrictions 4810-33-005-2394


4810-33-005-2394 is a Stop-Check Valve

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