
Tube Elbow

4730015386211 015386211 6395491 FIND 004 5793190-07 FIND 078 5793190-08 FIND 078 6393783 FIND 018 6395451 FIND 003 7326564-01 FIND 008 H840-8-SS 5793190-07 FIND 078D0 5793190-08 FIND 078D0 6393783 FIND 018D0 6395451 FIND 003D0 6395491 FIND 004D0 7326564-01 FIND 008D0 H840-8-SSD0

A fitting that forms an angle of less than 180 degrees (3.141 radians) from a straight flow. Both connecting ends have machine threads (straight threads other than pipe or hose series) designed to accommodate a tube or is unthreaded and designed to accommodate a tube. It may have side or heel inlet(s). See also ELBOW, PIPE and CONNECTOR, MULTIPLE, FLUID PRESSURE LINE. View more Tube Elbow

4730-01-538-6211 ELBOW,TUBE 4730015386211 015386211

Managed by United States
NSN Created on 28 Mar 2006
Data Last Changed
November 2023
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4730-01-538-6211 ELBOW,TUBE 4730015386211 015386211 1/1
NSN 4730-01-538-6211 (Generic Image) 1/1

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6395491 FIND 004 5793190-07 FIND 078 5793190-08 FIND 078 6393783 FIND 018 6395451 FIND 003 7326564-01
FIND 008 H840-8-SS 5793190-07 FIND 078D0 5793190-08 FIND 078D0 6393783 FIND 018D0 6395451 FIND 003D0
6395491 FIND 004D0 7326564-01 FIND 008D0 H840-8-SSD0 A fitting that forms an angle of less than 180
Tube Elbow 4730015386211 015386211 browser . 4730-01-538-6211Tube Elbow4730015386211 015386211
6395491 FIND 004 5793190-07 FIND 078 5793190-08 FIND 078 6393783 FIND 018 6395451 FIND 003 7326564-01
015386211 Elbow4730015386211 015386211 6395491 FIND 004 5793190-07 FIND 078 5793190-08 FIND 078 6393783
Tube Elbow 4730015386211 015386211 Elbow4730015386211 015386211 6395491 FIND 004 5793190-07 FIND
078 5793190-08 FIND 078 6393783 FIND 018 6395451 003 7326564-01 FIND 008 H840-8-SS 5793190-07 FIND 078D0
5793190-08 FIND 078D0 6393783 FIND 018D0 6395451 Metal Tube Assembly 4710015409212015409212 Documents
JavaScript in your web browser . 4730-01-538-6282Tube https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-47/fsc-4730/us 4730-01-538-6211
Tube Elbow 4730015386211 015386211 JavaScript in your web browser . 4730-01-538-6211Tube Elbow4730015386211
015386211 6395491 FIND 004 5793190-07 FIND 078 5793190-08 FIND 078 6393783 FIND 018 6395451 FIND 003
0126395466 FIND 012D06395487 FIND 017D0 6395491 FIND https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-47/fsc-4730/us 4730-01-538-6211
Tube Elbow 4730015386211 015386211 how to enable JavaScript in your web browser . 4730-01-538-6211Tube
Elbow4730015386211 015386211 6395491 FIND 008 H840-8-SS 5793190-07 FIND 078D0 5793190-08 FIND 078D0

4730-01-538-6211 Demil Restrictions 4730-01-538-6211


4730-01-538-6211 is a Tube Elbow that is specifically designed to be or selected as being nuclear hard. In addition it has other critical features such as tolerance, fit restrictions or application.Demilitarization of this item has been confirmed and is not currently subject to changes. This item is considered a low risk when released from the control of the Department of Defense. The item may still be subject to the requirements of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). This item is not suspected to be hazardous. This item does not contain a precious metal.

4730-01-538-6211 Manufacturers Approved Sources 4730-01-538-6211

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