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Quick Disconnect Coupling Half

4730013281030 013281030 AVHC12-12-56

A fluid line fitting having a pipe, tube or hose connection or a through hole to accommodate a BOLT, FLUID PASSAGE on one end. The other end must have an internal or external quick disconnect feature for connecting a mating part to form a quick disconnect coupling assembly. The fitting may incorporate a self-sealing feature for the purpose of automatically shutting off the flow of fluid when disconnected from its mating half. For self-sealing fittings with an external or internal threaded disconnect end, see COUPLING HALF, SELF-SEALING. See also, CONNECTOR, MULTIPLE, FLUID PRESSURE LINE. View more Quick Disconnect Coupling Half

4730-01-328-1030 COUPLING HALF,QUICK DISCONNECT 4730013281030 013281030

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NSN Created on 27 Oct 1990
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4730-01-328-1030 COUPLING HALF,QUICK DISCONNECT 4730013281030 013281030 1/1
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Quick Disconnect Coupling Half 4730013281030 United States (US) 4. 4730-01-328-1030 Marketplace Restrictions

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4730-01-328-1030 is a Quick Disconnect Coupling Half This item is considered a low risk when released from the control of the Department of Defense. The item may still be subject to the requirements of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). This item is not suspected to be hazardous. The precious metals content of this item is unknown.

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