
Pipe Tee

4730997846258 997846258 MC/859/7 SSB(N.)01/MC/859/7 H926-914827

A fitting having three connections with the branch connection fixed at 90 degrees (1.5705 radians) to the run. The connections have standard pipe threads or 1s unthreaded and designed to accommodate a pipe. It may have side inlet(s). It is used as a junction at the intersection of pipe or pipe fittings. View more Pipe Tee

4730-99-784-6258 TEE,PIPE 4730997846258 997846258

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NSN Created on 25 Apr 1991
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MC/859/7 SSB(N.)01/MC/859/7 H926-914827 A fitting having three connections with the branch connection
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