
Fluid-Emulsion Spray Nozzle

4730145696329 145696329 1/4N-SS3 N3

An item designed to be attached to the discharge lines of a sprayer or a discharge pipe for the application of liquid detergents, waxes, acids and other solvent compounds in pressure cleaning, asphalt and light tar emulsions in concrete processes, and/or liquid insecticides, fungicides, fertilizers, growth inhibitors and other chemicals in agricultural applications. It is a one-piece or multi-piece construction and may include a strainer and/or check valve. View more Fluid-Emulsion Spray Nozzle

4730-14-569-6329 NOZZLE,SPRAY,FLUID-EMULSION 4730145696329 145696329

Managed by France
NSN Created on 6 Oct 2011
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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4730-14-569-6329 NOZZLE,SPRAY,FLUID-EMULSION 4730145696329 145696329 1/1
NSN 4730-14-569-6329 (Generic Image) 1/1

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1/4N-SS3 N3 An item designed to be attached to the discharge lines of a sprayer or a discharge pipe
4730-14-569-6329 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-47/fsc-4730/fr 4730-14-569-6329
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1 EA NS Request Quotation Subscribe to View Vendor Details... 9-392-02 INDICATOR N3 1 EA NS Request
it 7610-15-231-0074 Librolinee Guida N3 Filing Cabinet 7110150569915150569915,N3 | ADPEC : 0 6620-01
1074 DEMIL: | DEMILI : | CRITICALITY : | HMIC : | PMIC : | EDC: | ADPEC : 5450-15-232-1074 is a Telaio N3
Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-76/fsc-7610/it 7610-15-231-0074 Librolinee Guida N3
| ADPEC : 0 6620-01-074-2720 is a Indicator N3 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-76/fsc-7610/it 7610-15-
//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-66/fsc-6610/us 6610-01-585-6864 Pressure Altimeter 6610015856864 015856864,N3

4730-14-569-6329 Demil Restrictions 4730-14-569-6329


4730-14-569-6329 is a Fluid-Emulsion Spray Nozzle

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France (ZF)

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