
Bulkhead Hose Connector

4730145361506 145361506 4518-5118

A straight fitting having unthreaded male hose connections designed to join two sections of hose of the same size through a bulkhead or wall section. View more Bulkhead Hose Connector

4730-14-536-1506 CONNECTOR,HOSE,BULKHEAD 4730145361506 145361506

Managed by France
NSN Created on 9 Jul 2003
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January 2023
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4730-14-536-1506 CONNECTOR,HOSE,BULKHEAD 4730145361506 145361506 1/1
NSN 4730-14-536-1506 (Generic Image) 1/1

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Bulkhead Hose Connector 4730145361506 4518-5118 A straight fitting having unthreaded male hose connections
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4730-14-536-1506 is a Bulkhead Hose Connector

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France (ZF)

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