
Hydraulic Swivel Joint

4730144782944 144782944 WH06SRA3C WHO6PSRA3C

A mechanical fluid passage joint designed for linkage of rigid hydraulic lines and components subject to pivotal, linear, or rotational position changes. The device allows two-directional flow of high pressure fluid and permits single plane rotation upon its axis. It may also allow for angular movement. Excludes SWIVEL JOINT, PIPE; and SWIVEL JOINT, TUBE. View more Hydraulic Swivel Joint

4730-14-478-2944 SWIVEL JOINT,HYDRAULIC 4730144782944 144782944

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WH06SRA3C WHO6PSRA3C A mechanical fluid passage joint designed for linkage of rigid hydraulic lines
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Hydraulic Swivel Joint 4730144782944 /www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-47/fsc-4730/de 4730-12-148-3233 Hydraulic
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