
Tube Tee

4730144209845 144209845 P4-17-10 717-10 061236639

A fitting having three connections with the branch connection fixed at 90 degrees (1.5705 radians) to the run. The connections have machine threads (straight threads other than pipe or hose series) designed to accommodate a tube, or are unthreaded and designed to accommodate a tube. It may have side inlet(s). It is used as a junction at the intersection of a tube or tube fitting. View more Tube Tee

4730-14-420-9845 TEE,TUBE 4730144209845 144209845

Managed by France
NSN Created on 6 Jan 1988
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January 2023
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4730-14-420-9845 TEE,TUBE 4730144209845 144209845 1/1
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P4-17-10 717-10 061236639 A fitting having three connections with the branch connection fixed at 90
4730-14-420-9845 1+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-47/fsc-4730/fr 4730-14-420-9845
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