
Tube-Hose Fitting Compression Sleeve

4730143878829 143878829 74741PN08 741PN08 741 PN 08

A ring-shaped item whose outer surface is so shaped as to form a seat for the coupling nut and the fitting between which it is assembled. It is designed to be slipped over tubing or hose so that tightening of the coupling nut to the fitting compresses the sleeve against the circumference of the tubing or hose thereby effecting a tight seal between the tubing, or hose fitting and coupling nut. View more Tube-Hose Fitting Compression Sleeve

4730-14-387-8829 SLEEVE,COMPRESSION,TUBE-HOSE FITTING 4730143878829 143878829

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NSN Created on 12 Oct 1983
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4730-14-387-8829 SLEEVE,COMPRESSION,TUBE-HOSE FITTING 4730143878829 143878829 1/1
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74741PN08 741PN08 741 PN 08 A ring-shaped item whose outer surface is so shaped as to form a seat for
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