
Tube Outlet

4730143006412 143006412 7003R0

A fitting having one end connection designed to accommodate tubing. The other end is designed to be attached to a flat surface or the external contour of a tube, pipe or fitting by welding, brazing, soldering, or the like. It is used to fabricate tube outlets in a pipe or tubing line. View more Tube Outlet

4730-14-300-6412 OUTLET,TUBE 4730143006412 143006412

Managed by France
NSN Created on 1 Jan 1973
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July 2023
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Tube Outlet 4730143006412 143006412,7003R0 7003R0 A fitting having one end connection designed to accommodate
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4730-14-300-6412 is a Tube Outlet

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France (ZF)

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