
Tube Coupling Inverted Nut

4730142988325 142988325 80587

An externally threaded fastening device which has an internal or external seat, designed to mate with the seat of an internally threaded tube fitting for the purpose of securing the tube to the fitting to form a leakproof connection. View more Tube Coupling Inverted Nut

4730-14-298-8325 INVERTED NUT,TUBE COUPLING 4730142988325 142988325

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Coupling Inverted Nut4730142988325 142988325 80587 An externally threaded fastening device which has
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how to enable JavaScript in your web browser . 8455-50-000-9527Shoulder Board8455500009527 500009527 80587
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enable JavaScript in your web browser . 4510-99-871-6540Control System4510998716540 998716540 ACC 80587
99-871-6540 United Kingdom (ZK) Approved Sources 4510-99-871 005688062 80587 enable JavaScript in your
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