
Pipe Coupling

4730331902053 331902053 113.160.40

A straight fitting 12 inches (304 mm) long or under having the same or different type pipe connection of the same size on both ends. It is designed to join a pipe or pipe fitting to another pipe or pipe fitting. Excludes fittings with threaded external connections on both ends. See also NIPPLE, PIPE. View more Pipe Coupling

4730-33-190-2053 COUPLING,PIPE 4730331902053 331902053

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NSN Created on 11 Jul 1995
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113.160.40 A straight fitting 12 inches (304 mm) long or under having the same or different type pipe
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4730-33-190-2053 1+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-47/fsc-4730/es 4730-33-190-2053

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4730-33-190-2053 is a Pipe Coupling

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