
Tube Elbow

4730123024113 123024113 00433-027-000 433-27

A fitting that forms an angle of less than 180 degrees (3.141 radians) from a straight flow. Both connecting ends have machine threads (straight threads other than pipe or hose series) designed to accommodate a tube or is unthreaded and designed to accommodate a tube. It may have side or heel inlet(s). See also ELBOW, PIPE and CONNECTOR, MULTIPLE, FLUID PRESSURE LINE. View more Tube Elbow

4730-12-302-4113 ELBOW,TUBE 4730123024113 123024113

Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 28 Dec 1984
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00433-027-000 433-27 A fitting that forms an angle of less than 180 degrees (3.141 radians) from a straight
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4730-12-302-4113 1+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-47/fsc-4730/de 4730-12-302-4113

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4730-12-302-4113 is a Tube Elbow

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