
Boss Elbow

4730120102804 120102804

A fitting that forms an angle of less than 180 degrees (3.141 radians) from the straight flow. The boss connections have external and/or internal machine threads (straight threads other than pipe or hose series), and are designed to facilitate a gasket, preformed packing, washer, or the like, to form a seal at the boss. It may have side or heel inlet(s). It is designed to join two bosses or boss fittings on items such as tanks, housings, valve fittings, and the like. Excludes ELBOW, TUBE. View more Boss Elbow

4730-12-010-2804 ELBOW,BOSS 4730120102804 120102804

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January 2024
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4730-12-010-2804 ELBOW,BOSS 4730120102804 120102804 1/1
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RQST Updated Every Day 4730-12-010-2804 RQST NE Related Documents 4730-12-010-2804 1+ Documents ( More
12-148-7563 Machine Thread Plug 4730121487563 121487563 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-47/fsc-4730/de 4730-12-010-2804
Boss Elbow 4730120102804 120102804 /fsc-4730/de 4730-12-174-2679 Pruef Verschraubung 4730121742679121742679
Machine Thread Plug 4730-12-174-2679 Railing Fittings https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-47/fsc-4730/de 4730-12-010-2804
Boss Elbow 4730120102804 120102804 /fsc-4730/de 4730-12-174-2679 Pruef Verschraubung 4730121742679
fsg-47/fsc-4730/de 4730-12-148-7563 Machine Thread Plug 4730121487563121487563 2804 Boss Elbow 4730120102804
120102804 Railing Fittings www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-47/fsc-4730/de 4730-12-010-2804 https//www.nsnlookup.com
120256163 Fittings from Germany (DE) 4730-12-310-1542 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-47/fsc-4730/de 4730-12-010-2804
Boss Elbow 4730120102804 120102804 Fittings from Germany (DE) Machine Thread Plug 4730- https//
Germany (DE) 4730-12-310-1542 Hydraulic Swivel Joint 4730- 12-124-8920 Fittings from Germany (DE) 4730-12-010-2804
Swivel Joint 4730-12-124-8920 Fittings from Germany https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-47/fsc-4730/de 4730-12-010-2804
Boss Elbow 4730120102804 120102804 1542 Hydraulic Swivel Joint 4730123101542 Germany (DE) 4730-
12-310-1542 Hydraulic Swivel Joint 4730-12-124-8920 12-148-7563 Machine Thread Plug 4730-12-010-2804

4730-12-010-2804 Demil Restrictions 4730-12-010-2804


4730-12-010-2804 is a Boss Elbow

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