
Pipe Reducer

4730219121850 219121850 27-0244 LS00284-1

A straight pipe fitting having a different size connection on each end. It is designed to join two pipes of different sizes or two pipe fittings of different sizes. Excludes BUSHING (as modified). View more Pipe Reducer

4730-21-912-1850 REDUCER,PIPE 4730219121850 219121850

Managed by Canada
NSN Created on 13 Jul 1995
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January 2023
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4730-21-912-1850 REDUCER,PIPE 4730219121850 219121850 1/1
NSN 4730-21-912-1850 (Generic Image) 1/1

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27-0244 LS00284-1 A straight pipe fitting having a different size connection on each end.
4730-21-912-1850 1+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-47/fsc-4730/ca 4730-21-912-1850
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4730-21-912-1850 is a Pipe Reducer

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