
Pipe To Tube Straight Adapter

4730219101614 219101614 A-267

An adapter having standard pipe threads on one end or an unthreaded end designed to accommodate a pipe. The other end has machine threads (straight threads other than pipe or hose series) designed to accommodate a tube or is unthreaded and designed to accommodate a tube. It is designed to join a pipe or pipe fitting to a tube or tube fitting in a straight line. View more Pipe To Tube Straight Adapter

4730-21-910-1614 ADAPTER,STRAIGHT,PIPE TO TUBE 4730219101614 219101614

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NSN Created on 13 Jan 1994
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Pipe To Tube Straight Adapter 4730219101614 A-267 An adapter having standard pipe threads on one end

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4730-21-910-1614 is a Pipe To Tube Straight Adapter

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