
Packing Nut

4730660945426 660945426 1B2-31-150

An item having internal and/or external machine thread(s) (threads other than pipe or hose series), specifically designed to retain, by means or groove(s), shoulder(s), and the like, packing and/or a packing gland within a stuffing box. See also BUSHING, MACHINE THREAD; INVERTED NUT, TUBE COUPLING; and NUT, TUBE COUPLING. Excludes PACKING NUT, STUFFING TUBE; and use with electrical cable, and LOCKNUT, PIPE. View more Packing Nut

4730-66-094-5426 PACKING NUT 4730660945426 660945426

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1B2-31-150 An item having internal and/or external machine thread(s) (threads other than pipe or hose
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4730-66-094-5426 1+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-47/fsc-4730/au 4730-66-094-5426

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4730-66-094-5426 is a Packing Nut

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