
Flexible Tube Coupling Assembly

4720996290306 996290306

A multipiece gasket sealed item specifically designed for joining plain end ferruled tubing or beaded end tubing that will accommodate angular misalignment, axial motion and permits expansion and contraction of the tubing. It may be disconnected for seal replacement without disturbing the rest of the line. The seals are not normally furnished with the item. For rigid type items see COUPLING, TUBE; and UNION, TUBE. View more Flexible Tube Coupling Assembly

4720-99-629-0306 COUPLING ASSEMBLY,TUBE,FLEXIBLE 4720996290306 996290306

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4720-99-629-0306 COUPLING ASSEMBLY,TUBE,FLEXIBLE 4720996290306 996290306 1/1
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4720-99-629-0306 is a Flexible Tube Coupling Assembly

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