
Plastic Pipe

4710332025238 332025238 VENA-MTD-DIA.101.6 956020101-01

A tubular product formed from plastic material. The nominal pipe size and outside diameter conform to iron pipe size designators or the dimensions conform to Standard Thermoplastic Pipe Dimensions Ratio (SDR) Tables. It may have threaded ends or the ends may be capable of being formed by heating. For items not conforming to these dimensioning criteria, see TUBING, NONMETALLIC. View more Plastic Pipe

4710-33-202-5238 PIPE,PLASTIC 4710332025238 332025238

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VENA-MTD-DIA.101.6 956020101-01 A tubular product formed from plastic material.
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4710-33-202-5238 is a Plastic Pipe

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