
Metallic Tube

4710123687108 123687108 5550903853

A straight, hollow product, welded or seamless, of round, square, or any other cross section and continuous periphery, which does not conform in cross sectional dimensions to recognized pipe standards, or those in Tables 1 through 10, Appendix C, FIIG A004A. It is designed to convey fluids, gasses, and/or semisolids. It may be rolled into coils for ease in handling. For items designed to join a tube or tube fitting to another tube, pipe, or hose or fitting, see ADAPTER (as modified); COUPLING (as modified); or NIPPLE (as modified). Excludes TUBE, BENT (as modified); PIPE, METALLIC; SPACER, SLEEVE; METAL BAR (hollow); and items with fittings, except end protectors. View more Metallic Tube

4710-12-368-7108 TUBE,METALLIC 4710123687108 123687108

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NSN Created on 10 Apr 2006
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January 2023
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4710-12-368-7108 TUBE,METALLIC 4710123687108 123687108 1/1
NSN 4710-12-368-7108 (Generic Image) 1/1

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4710-12-368-7108 RQST NE Related Documents Restrictions 4710-12-368-7108 DEMIL: | DEMILI : | CRITICALITY
5843 4710-98-201-8783 fsc-6110/uk 190000072 105 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-47/fsc-4710/de 4710-12-368-7108
Metallic Tube 4710123687108 123687108 6110/uk 6110-99-750-1856 Metallic Tube 6110997501856 997501856
ADPEC : 6505-19-000-0072 is a Calamine Ointment https //www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-47/fsc-4710/de 4710-12-368-7108
Day 4710-99-601-2449 RQST NE Related Documents https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-47/fsc-4710/de 4710-12-368-7108
Metallic Tube 4710123687108 123687108 /fsg-47/fsc-4710/nl 4710-17-105-5922 Metallic Tube 4710171055922
2449 Metallic Tube 4710996012449 996012449 6505190000072 190000072 011-2623 4710-17-109-4933 4710-12-368-7108
4710-12-371-6689 852-1321 4710-17-105-5922 5975997658885 997658885 011-2623 4710-17-109-4933 4710-12-368-7108
fsg-47/fsc-4710/uk 4710-99-601-2449 Metallic Tube 4710996012449 996012449 fsg-47/fsc-4710/de 4710-12-368-7108
Metallic Tube 4710123687108 123687108 /fsg-47/fsc-4710/nl 4710-17-105-5922 Metallic Tube 4710171055922171055922
/www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-47/fsc-4710/de 4710-12-371-6689 Metallic Tube 4710123716689123716689 4710-12-368-7108
4710-12-371-6689 852-1321 4710-17-105-5922 5975997658885 997658885 011-2623 4710-17-109-4933 4710-12-368-7108
218521321,681934X 4710-21-852-1321 105-5922 6110997501856 997501856 011-2623 4710-17-109-4933 4710-12-368-7108

4710-12-368-7108 Demil Restrictions 4710-12-368-7108


4710-12-368-7108 is a Metallic Tube

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