
Metallic Bent Tube

4710123272099 123272099 81619600543 81.61960-0543 28-896-00-100

A bent hollow item, welded or seamless. It has a round, square or any other cross section, with a continuous periphery. It is primarily designed to convey fluids, gases and/or semisolids. Excludes items of circular cross section which conform in dimensional characteristics to PIPE, METALLIC; ELBOW, PIPE; ELBOW, TUBE; BEND, ELECTRICAL CONDUIT; BEND, PIPE, RETURN; and BEND, TUBE, RETURN. For items with end fittings on one or both ends, see TUBE ASSEMBLY, METAL. View more Metallic Bent Tube

4710-12-327-2099 TUBE,BENT,METALLIC 4710123272099 123272099

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4710-12-327-2099 TUBE,BENT,METALLIC 4710123272099 123272099 1/1
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81619600543 81.61960-0543 28-896-00-100 A bent hollow item, welded or seamless.
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4710-12-327-2099 2+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-47/fsc-4710/de 4710-12-327-2099
CRITICALITY : | HMIC : | PMIC : | EDC: | ADPEC : 2540 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-47/fsc-4710/de 4710-12-327-2099
Metallic Bent Tube 4710123272099 123272099 web browser . 4710-12-327-2099Metallic Bent Tube4710123272099
123272099 81619600543 81.61960-0543 28-896 Every Day 4710-12-327-2099 RQST NE Restrictions https//www.nsnlookup.com

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