
Water Closet

4510993910272 993910272 3-522 51 XX 522 51 00

A group of items either completely or partially assembled to form a combination consisting of a bowl or hopperlike receptacle and a flushing mechanism. It may have a water tank (reservoir), a FLUSHING GRINDER UNIT, WATER CLOSET; and the like. Excludes TOILET (as modified). View more Water Closet

4510-99-391-0272 WATER CLOSET 4510993910272 993910272

Managed by United Kingdom
NSN Created on 1 Oct 1993
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January 2023
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4510-99-391-0272 WATER CLOSET 4510993910272 993910272 1/1
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3-522 51 XX 522 51 00 A group of items either completely or partially assembled to form a combination
RQST NE Updated Every Day 4510-99-391-0272 RQST Updated Every Day 4510-99-391-0272 RQST NE Related Documents
4510-99-391-0272 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-45/fsc-4510/uk 4510-99-391-0272
3-522 51 XX ITEM 1 58002 01 Excludes TOILET (as modified).
582 39 00 3-522 51 XX ITEM 5 3-582 39 00 Managed by United Kingdom NSN Created on 1 Oct 1993 Data
58000 00 3-522 51 XX ITEM 4 1-5800000 Managed by United Kingdom NSN Created on 11 Oct 1993 Data
enable JavaScript in your web browser . 4510-99-051-7194Backplate Assembly4510990517194 990517194 3-522 51 XX
58000 00 3-522 51 XX ITEM 4 1-5800000 Managed by United Kingdom NSN Created on 11 Oct 1993 Data
Day 4510-99-051-7194 RQST NE Related Documents https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-45/fsc-4510/uk 4510-99-391-0272
enable JavaScript in your web browser . 4510-99-360-4424Wa Installation Kit4510993604424 993604424 3-522 51 XX
582 39 00 3-522 51 XX ITEM 5 3-582 39 00 Managed by United Kingdom NSN Created on 1 Oct 1993 Data
58000 00 3-522 51 XX ITEM 4 1-5800000 Managed by United Kingdom NSN Created on 11 Oct 1993 Data
to enable JavaScript in your web browser . 4540-99-075-0765Flushing Ring4540990750765 990750765 3-522 51 XX
50000 70000 70001 543347.1 2-5433471 3-522 51 XX ITEM 2 43347.1 Managed by United Kingdom NSN Created
NumberManufacturerStatus543347.1 S5896 - Evac Envirose Systems (Obsolete) Primary Buy RNCC 3 RNVC 2 DAC 2 3-522 51 XX

4510-99-391-0272 Demil Restrictions 4510-99-391-0272


4510-99-391-0272 is a Water Closet

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