
Industrial Fluid Heater Core Assembly

4420332035943 332035943 33004770 PCAMI/RP/4700033004770

An assembled unit which may consist of tubes, tube sheets, baffles and fins, which comprise the basic heat transfer element of a HEATER, FLUID, INDUSTRIAL. Excludes hot water cores. View more Industrial Fluid Heater Core Assembly

4420-33-203-5943 CORE ASSEMBLY,FLUID HEATER,INDUSTRIAL 4420332035943 332035943

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NSN Created on 5 Jun 2004
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4420-33-203-5943 CORE ASSEMBLY,FLUID HEATER,INDUSTRIAL 4420332035943 332035943 1/1
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33004770 PCAMI/RP/4700033004770 An assembled unit which may consist of tubes, tube sheets, baffles and
RQST NE Updated Every Day 4420-33-203-5943 RQST Updated Every Day 4420-33-203-5943 RQST NE Related Documents
4420-33-203-5943 2+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-44/fsc-4420/es 4420-33-203-5943
2005 4420-33-208-1641 Industrial Fluid Cooler 5049477RNCC: 3 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 1 11 Mar 2010 4420-33-203-5943

4420-33-203-5943 Demil Restrictions 4420-33-203-5943


4420-33-203-5943 is a Industrial Fluid Heater Core Assembly

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Spain (YB)

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