
Fluid Filter Element

4330998652792 998652792 LBB00830

A replaceable device designed to remove solid particles from fluids ranging in density from heavy liquids to gases. The removal of particles is accomplished by porous material (metallic or non-metallic), stacked disks, wound wire, or the like, constructed so the fluid can flow through the device while the solid particles are retained. It may be designed to fit into a FILTER, FLUID (or similar cavity), or it may have an integral outer casing and mounting facilities and be designed to connect directly to an engine, compressor, or the like. The degree of removal of particles must be nominally rated at less than 50 microns or absolutely rated at less than 75 microns. Excludes FILTER ELEMENT, AIR CONDITIONING. See also STRAINER ELEMENT, SEDIMENT. View more Fluid Filter Element

4330-99-865-2792 FILTER ELEMENT,FLUID 4330998652792 998652792

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