
Oil Separator

4330144221191 144221191 3701 91051-3701

An enclosed tank or vessel specifically designed to remove harmful solids, insoluble sludge and water by the force of gravity from continuous flow of contaminated oil. Exclude settling tanks. View more Oil Separator

4330-14-422-1191 SEPARATOR,OIL 4330144221191 144221191

Managed by France
NSN Created on 24 Feb 1988
Data Last Changed
July 2023
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4330-14-422-1191 SEPARATOR,OIL 4330144221191 144221191 1/1
NSN 4330-14-422-1191 (Generic Image) 1/1

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3701 91051-3701 An enclosed tank or vessel specifically designed to remove harmful solids, insoluble
Oil Separator 4330144221191 144221191,3701 370191051-3701 An enclosed tank or vessel specifically designed
4330-14-422-1191 RQST NE Restrictions 4330-14-422-1191 DEMIL: | DEMILI : | CRITICALITY : | HMIC : |

4330-14-422-1191 Demil Restrictions 4330-14-422-1191


4330-14-422-1191 is a Oil Separator

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France (ZF)

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