
Fluid Filter Head

4330123323450 123323450 4100462112 EN33X1.5A-02

A component of a fluid filter designed to contain the inlet and/or outlet ports of the filter. It acts as a cover and attaches to the fluid filter body or mounts directly to an integral cavity in an engine, manifold, casing, or the like. The item may include relief, check, by-pass valves, and/or fluid filter element(s). It may have means for supporting the filter element(s), and means for mounting the filter. Excludes HEAD, SEDIMENT STRAINER and COVER, FLUID FILTER. View more Fluid Filter Head

4330-12-332-3450 HEAD,FLUID FILTER 4330123323450 123323450

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NSN Created on 2 Aug 1993
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4100462112 EN33X1.5A-02 A component of a fluid filter designed to contain the inlet and/or outlet ports
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4330-12-332-3450 is a Fluid Filter Head

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