
Compressor Piston

4310151034246 151034246 2015068

A cylindrical piece which moves or reciprocates in a cylinder to compress air or gas from an initial intake pressure to a higher discharge pressure. May include integral connecting rod. View more Compressor Piston

4310-15-103-4246 PISTON,COMPRESSOR 4310151034246 151034246

Managed by Italy
NSN Created on 30 May 1989
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July 2023
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4310-15-103-4246 PISTON,COMPRESSOR 4310151034246 151034246 1/1
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2015068 A cylindrical piece which moves or reciprocates in a cylinder to compress air or gas from an
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4310-15-103-4246 Demil Restrictions 4310-15-103-4246


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