
Hearing Protector

4240123469746 123469746 4130116 403701010 0020.03 40370A010

An item consisting of two earcups, each of which are filled with sound attenuating material. It is designed to completely cover the wearer's ears and protect them from high intensity sound. It may include a headband or it may be designed for mounting onto headware, such as a helmet. For items containing EARPHONES, see HEADSET, ELECTRICAL and HEADSET-MICROPHONE. For items designed to be inserted into the ear, see PLUG, EAR. View more Hearing Protector

4240-12-346-9746 PROTECTOR,HEARING 4240123469746 123469746

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4130116 403701010 0020.03 40370A010 An item consisting of two earcups, each of which are filled with
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Hearing Protector 4240123469746 123469746 Hearing Protector 4240991259823 991259823 117-9796 4240
4240-27-047-4300 4240/us 4240-01-362-8783 Hearing Protector 4240013628783013628783 117-9796 4240-12-346-9746
Hearing Protector 4240123469746 123469746 -4240/tr 4240-27-047-4300 Hearing Protector 4240270474300
4240-27-047-4300 4240/uk 4240-99-125-9823 Hearing Protector 4240991259823991259823 117-9796 4240-12-346-9746
Hearing Protector 4240270474300 270474300 Hearing Protector 5965990831527 990831527 117-9796 4240-12-346-9746
Hearing Protector 4240123469746 123469746 990831527 150-5323 4240-66-141-8875 4240-17-112-6306
4240-17-112-5103 4240-17-117-9796 4240-12-346-9746 4240-19-005-0562 4240-17-101-4481 4240013628783 013628783
117-9796 4240-12-346-9746 5965/uk 5965-99-083-1527 Hearing Protector 5965990831527990831527 112-5103
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-42/fsc-4240/us 4240-01-362-8783 Hearing Protector 4240013628783 013628783 4240123469746
123469746 Hearing Protector 4240991259823 991259823 117-9796 4240-12-346-9746 4240-27-047-4300 4240-
fsg-42/fsc-4240/tr 4240-27-047-4300 Hearing Protector 4240270474300270474300 4240-17-117-9796 4240-12-346-9746

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