
Gas Mask Canister

4240121657565 121657565 DINEN141-A2 20600 66A DIN3181-A2

The air purifying element of gas mask, consisting of a metal body inclosing a mechanical filter and a chemical filling which absorbs and neutralizes toxic gases and particles in the air, allowing purified air to pass through. View more Gas Mask Canister

4240-12-165-7565 CANISTER,GAS MASK 4240121657565 121657565

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DINEN141-A2 20600 66A DIN3181-A2 The air purifying element of gas mask, consisting of a metal body inclosing
Germany (DE) 4. 4240-12-165-7565 Marketplace Restrictions Approved Sources Datasheet Management Open
RQST NE Updated Every Day 4240-12-165-7565 RQST Updated Every Day 4240-12-165-7565 RQST NE Related Documents
6727381 A900 DIN3181-A2 900A2 An air filtering device designed to be inserted in the facepiece of
Gas Mask Canister 4240121657565 121657565 enable JavaScript in your web browser . 4240-12-165-7565Gas
Mask Canister4240121657565 121657565 DINEN141-A2 20600 66A DIN3181-A2 The air purifying element of gas
from United Kingdom (UK) Hose 4240-99-555-1108 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-42/fsc-4240/de 4240-12-165-7565
Gas Mask Canister 4240121657565 121657565 type gases or vapors. see also canister, gas mask. https
Documents 4240-99-702-0414 2+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-42/fsc-4240/de 4240-12-165-7565
Gas Mask Canister 4240121657565 121657565 type gases or vapors. see also canister, gas mask. https
4240-14-504-0931 4240145040931 145040931 is an air filtering device designed to be inserted in the facepiece of a mask, chemical-biological. it is designed to remove from the air passing through it toxic and/or irritating chemical vapors, gases and particulate contaminants (dust, fumes, mists, fogs, and smokes) including biological organisms likely to to be used in warfare. it may filter industrial dusts, fumes, mists, fogs and smoke, but is not designed to remove industrial type gases or vapors. see also canister, gas mask.

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