
Gas Mask

4240661595715 661595715 4586-0464-1

An individual respiratory protective device having a CANISTER, GAS MASK as the air purifying element; designed to protect the wearer against inhalation of gases, fumes and smokes. The facepiece may be connected to the canister by a flexible hose, or it may be designed for attaching directly to the canister. Excludes respiratory protective devices designed to regenerate expired air. Excludes MASK, OXYGEN; MASK, AIR LINE; MASK, CHEMICAL-BIOLOGICAL and RESPIRATOR, AIR FILTERING. View more Gas Mask

4240-66-159-5715 MASK,GAS 4240661595715 661595715

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Gas Mask 4240661595715 661595715,4586-0464-1 Australia (AU) 4. 4240-66-159-5715 Marketplace Restrictions
| RNVC: 2 | DAC: 2 19 Jul 1985 4240-14-544-1617 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-42/fsc-4240/au 4240-66-159-5715
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