
Safety Rocket Propellant Neutralizer Shower Unit

4230131160352 131160352 ENG6NBC92212BELGIUM1

Self-contained portable equipment of special design which is used at rocket launching sites to disperse decontaminating water upon personnel to neutralize accidental spills of harmful rocket propellant. The water to which chemicals may be added is pressurized by use of compressed gas. View more Safety Rocket Propellant Neutralizer Shower Unit

4230-13-116-0352 SHOWER UNIT,SAFETY ROCKET PROPELLANT NEUTRALIZER 4230131160352 131160352

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NSN Created on 22 May 1996
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4230-13-116-0352 SHOWER UNIT,SAFETY ROCKET PROPELLANT NEUTRALIZER 4230131160352 131160352 1/1
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MILS50001,9833-1-13 NATO Stock Numbers Related to 4230-00-639-9325 4230 -00-601-7468 4230-00-639-9325 4230-13-116-0352
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Individual Equipment Decontamination Kit SHKC F959C03RNCC: 3 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 4 22 Jan 1997 4230-13-116-0352

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4230-13-116-0352 is a Safety Rocket Propellant Neutralizer Shower Unit

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