
Life Raft Survival Kit

4220251519859 251519859

Cancelled - Replaced by NSN 4220-99-745-0599

A group of emergency items such as first aid kits, food packets, canned water, distress signals, hand tools and accessories. In combination with life rafts or similar equipment the items, which are packed separately or in several containers, are designed to permit and facilitate for several days the survival of shipwrecked personnel. The items are available only when the lifesaving device is activated and are stowed in the interior of the lifesaving device. Excludes survival kit, air-sea rescue. View more Life Raft Survival Kit

4220-25-151-9859 SURVIVAL KIT,LIFE RAFT 4220251519859 251519859

Managed by Norway
Data Last Changed
January 2024
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4220-25-151-9859 SURVIVAL KIT,LIFE RAFT 4220251519859 251519859 1/1
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Life Raft Survival Kit 4220251519859 Equipment from Norway (NO) 4220-25-151-9859 Raft https//www.nsnlookup.com
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Life Raft Survival Kit 4220251519859 . 4220-25-151-9859Life Raft Survival Kit4220251519859 251519859

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4220-25-151-9859 is a Life Raft Survival Kit

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