
Fire Extinguisher Valve

4210144789857 144789857 3-176-1-1 N5803 3017601001 B01320000

A manually operated device designed to be mounted on a fire extinguisher for the purpose of releasing pressurized extinguishing agents upon a fire. It may include a pressure gage and recharging facilities. View more Fire Extinguisher Valve

4210-14-478-9857 VALVE,FIRE EXTINGUISHER 4210144789857 144789857

Managed by France
NSN Created on 6 Dec 1995
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January 2023
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4210-14-478-9857 VALVE,FIRE EXTINGUISHER 4210144789857 144789857 1/1
NSN 4210-14-478-9857 (Generic Image) 1/1

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3-176-1-1 N5803 3017601001 B01320000 A manually operated device designed to be mounted on a fire extinguisher
4210-14-478-9857 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-42/fsc-4210/fr 4210-14-478-9857
4210-14-478-9857 RQST NE Related Documents Restrictions 4210-14-478-9857 DEMIL: | DEMILI : | CRITICALITY
vendors Request Updated Every Day 4210-15-162-2741 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-42/fsc-4210/fr 4210-14-478-9857
Fire Extinguisher Valve 4210144789857 4210-27-004-2934 4210-15-121-8704 4210-14-478-9857 https/
002-5494 4210-27-008-2083 4210-14-418-0370 4210-43-000-3793 4210-27-004-2934 4210-15-121-8704 4210-14-478-9857
4820997185040 553-2871 4210-33-002-5508 99-718-5040 Fire Extinguisher Valve 4820997185040 121-8704 4210-14-478-9857
Valve 4210270391504 Extinguisher Valve 4820997185040 4210-27-039-1504 4210-01-314-0247 121-8704 4210-14-478-9857
-14-553-2871 Extinguisher Valve 4820997185040 Fire Extinguisher Valve 4820997185040 121-8704 4210-14-478-9857
Valve 4210012412574 fsc-4210/us 4210-01-241-2574 Fire Extinguisher Valve 4210012412574 121-8704 4210-14-478-9857
553-2871 Fire Extinguisher Valve 4210145532871 Fire Extinguisher Valve 4820997185040 121-8704 4210-14-478-9857
Extinguisher Valve Extinguisher Valve 4820997185040 4210-27-039-1504 4210-01-314-0247 121-8704 4210-14-478-9857
Extinguisher Valve 4210012412574 01-241-2574 Fire Extinguisher Valve 4210012412574 121-8704 4210-14-478-9857
9857 4210-14-553-2871 4210-33-002-5508 Fire Extinguisher Valve 4210330025508,13.901 121-8704 4210-14-478-9857
Extinguisher Valve 4210001778481 00-177-8481 Fire Extinguisher Valve 4210001778481 121-8704 4210-14-478-9857

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