
Fire Extinguisher

4210123410106 123410106 42-10-363.2 (M) S1000B 42-10-363.2

An automatic or hand operated device designed to discharge upon a fire. Automatic devices have heat, smoke or optical detectors. Device may or may not be charged but must contain all components necessary for discharge once filled with fire fighting agents or chemicals. View more Fire Extinguisher

4210-12-341-0106 EXTINGUISHER,FIRE 4210123410106 123410106

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NSN Created on 17 Jul 1996
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4210-12-341-0106 EXTINGUISHER,FIRE 4210123410106 123410106 1/1
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42-10-363.2 (M) S1000B 42-10-363.2 An automatic or hand operated device designed to discharge upon a
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4210-12-341-0106 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-42/fsc-4210/de 4210-12-341-0106
1958/6888 ITEM 15 1958/6888/15 1958/6888/NO.15 58/6888 ITEM 15 58/6888/15 58/6888/NO.15 K601/106 S1000B
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