
Ventilating Fan

4140251354249 251354249 LHG-K-3 LHGK3 N45081

A nonpositive displacement mechanical device having either an axial or centrifugal fan impeller. It is designed to move free air or gas from indoors to outdoors or vice versa over a wide range of volumes at low pressures. It is supported by a ring, plate, or shroud or may be inclosed in a housing. It is designed for installation in a window, roof or wall opening, or the like. View more Ventilating Fan

4140-25-135-4249 FAN,VENTILATING 4140251354249 251354249

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LHG-K-3 LHGK3 N45081 A nonpositive displacement mechanical device having either an axial or centrifugal
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