
Duct Type Air Cooling Coil

4130995495081 995495081 0002-7167

A unit consisting of parallel tubes joined together by a header on headers, utilizing fins to increase the surface area. designed to be used in conjunction with a duct in which a blower or fan is provided to circulate air through the unit to perform the function of cooling, heating , ventilating and/or dehumidifying (HVAC). View more Duct Type Air Cooling Coil

4130-99-549-5081 COOLING COIL,AIR,DUCT TYPE 4130995495081 995495081

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4130-99-549-5081 COOLING COIL,AIR,DUCT TYPE 4130995495081 995495081 1/1
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Duct Type Air Cooling Coil 4130995495081 0002-7167 A unit consisting of parallel tubes joined together
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Duct Type Air Cooling Coil 4130995495081 Cooling Coil 4130995495081 4130-99-499-8208 4130-14-466
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Duct Type Air Cooling Coil 4130995495081 4130-99-499-8208 4130-14-466-7819 4130-99-549-5081 https
256-7916 4130-14-453-3554 4420-14-316-4501 1660-14-381-9411 4130-99-499-8208 4130-14-466-7819 4130-99-549-5081

4130-99-549-5081 Demil Restrictions 4130-99-549-5081


4130-99-549-5081 is a Duct Type Air Cooling Coil

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