
Food Mechanical Refrigerator-Freezer

4110151966447 151966447 PN UAS 00036612 4110F76031731

An insulated upright cabinet/enclosure with two separate storage compartments, fresh food section and frozen food section. It may have the capability of producing ice cubes automatically. It is intended for storage and preservation of both fresh and frozen foods. The freezer compartment may also be used for freezing perishable food rapidly. Excludes DISPLAY CASE, MECHANICALLY REFRIGERATED; FREEZER, MECHANICAL, FOOD; REFRIGERATION UNIT, MECHANICAL; REFRIGERATOR, MECHANICAL, FOOD; REFRIGERATOR, PREFABRICATED. View more Food Mechanical Refrigerator-Freezer

4110-15-196-6447 REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER,MECHANICAL,FOOD 4110151966447 151966447

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PN UAS 00036612 4110F76031731 An insulated upright cabinet/enclosure with two separate storage compartments
RQST NE Updated Every Day 4110-15-196-6447 RQST Updated Every Day 4110-15-196-6447 RQST NE Related Documents
4110-15-196-6447 4+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-41/fsc-4110/it 4110-15-196-6447
Every Day 4110-15-003-6431 RQST NE Restrictions https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-41/fsc-4110/it 4110-15-196-6447
RQST NE Updated Every Day 2930-01-553-4218 RQST https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-41/fsc-4110/it 4110-15-196-6447
Refrigerator-Freezer web browser . 4110-15-196-6447Food Mechanical Refrigerator-Freezer4110151966447 151966447
PN UAS 00036612 Day 4110-15-196-6447 RQST NE Related Documents https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-29/fsc-
18 Aug 1997 4110-15-003-6431 Temporizzatore Spec B 031RNCC: 3 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 1 18 May 1984 4110-15-196-6447

4110-15-196-6447 Demil Restrictions 4110-15-196-6447


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Italy (ZR)

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