
Wire Rope Ferrule

4030991907631 991907631 CL-2-F

A hollow, cylindrical, metallic item designed to be affixed by means of molten metal or swaging, over the end(s) of an item to make it adaptable for insertion into socket type terminations or attachments, such as HOOK, CHOKER; HOOK, DRAWBAR, LOGGING; and WINCH, DRUM, HAND OPERATED. Excludes swaged fittings. View more Wire Rope Ferrule

4030-99-190-7631 FERRULE,WIRE ROPE 4030991907631 991907631

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CL-2-F A hollow, cylindrical, metallic item designed to be affixed by means of molten metal or swaging
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4030-99-190-7631 is a Wire Rope Ferrule

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