
Wire Rope Socket

4030661392041 661392041 S-421

A funnel-shaped receptacle or basket, designed to hold the end of an item when secured by molten metal or by a wedge. Extending from the upper surface of the basket is a closed loop, a stud end, or two clevis-type prongs or jaws with ends perforated to receive a pin attaching the device to another item. See also TERMINAL, WIRE ROPE (as modified). View more Wire Rope Socket

4030-66-139-2041 SOCKET,WIRE ROPE 4030661392041 661392041

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vendors Request Restrictions 4030-66-020-3145 DEMIL https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-40/fsc-4030/au 4030-66-139-2041
Wire Rope Socket 4030661392041 661392041 Cable, and Chain from Australia (AU) Jaw Swivel RF942RNCC
Jaw Swivel RF942RNCC: 3 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: E 24 Mar 1992 4030-66-020-3145 W Clamp And Thimble 4030-66-139-2041
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-40/fsc-4030 Fittings for Rope, Cable, and Chain from Australia (AU) Clamp And Thimble 4030-66-139-2041

4030-66-139-2041 Demil Restrictions 4030-66-139-2041


4030-66-139-2041 is a Wire Rope Socket

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