
Fibrous Twine

4020215825630 215825630

An assemblage of twisted fibers or filaments, usually designated by commercial number, in the form of a continuos cylindrical length, either of single yarn construction or of a ply yarn construction (includes natural or synthetic fibers). It also includes twisted items of multistrand construction. See also CORD, FIBROUS. Excludes HOUSELINE; MARLINE; RATLINE; ROPE, FIBROUS; ROUNDLINE; SEIZING STUFF; THREAD (as modified); YACHT MARLINE; and YARN. View more Fibrous Twine

4020-21-582-5630 TWINE,FIBROUS 4020215825630 215825630

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4020-21-582-5630 TWINE,FIBROUS 4020215825630 215825630 1/1
NSN 4020-21-582-5630 (Generic Image) 1/1

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5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-40/fsc-4020/ca 4020-21-582-5630 Fibrous Twine
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www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-40/fsc-4030/uk 4030-99-152-5374 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-40/fsc-4020/ca 4020-21-582-5630
Fibrous Twine 4020215825630 215825630 9266 Cordage, and Twine (FSC 4020) Rope 4020-12-165-1117
Fibrous Cord 4020-21-582-5630 Assembly 4030991525374 991525374 Chain, and Fittings (FSG 40) Terminal
Rope 4020121216345 121216345 Cord 4020995331095 995331095 Cordage, and Twine (FSC 4020) Cord 4020-21-582-5630
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-40/fsc-4020/de 4020-12-127-9266 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-40/fsc-4020/ca 4020-21-582-5630
Fibrous Twine 4020215825630 215825630 Documents 4020-21-582-5630 5+ Documents ( More... ) https
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-40/fsc-4020/uk 4020-99-533-1095 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-40/fsc-4020/ca 4020-21-582-5630
Fibrous Twine 4020215825630 215825630 4020/de 4020-12-127-9266 Fibrous Cord 4020121279266 121279266
Rope 4020121216345 121216345 Cord 4020995331095 995331095 Cordage, and Twine (FSC 4020) Cord 4020-21-582-5630
4020995331095 995331095 121216345 Cord 4020995331095 995331095 Cordage, and Twine (FSC 4020) Cord 4020-21-582-5630
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-40/fsc-4020/de 4020-12-121-6345 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-40/fsc-4020/ca 4020-21-582-5630
Fibrous Twine 4020215825630 215825630 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-40/fsc-4020/de 4020-12-127-9266 Fibrous

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