
Fibrous Rope

4020215824028 215824028

An assemblage of fibers or filaments (includes natural or synthetic fibers with the exception of asbestos) in the form of a continuous cylindrical length, 1/8 inch (3.175 mm) or over in nominal diameter. It is stranded construction made by twisting or laying together 3 or more strands in which each successive twist direction is in the opposite direction to the preceding twist. See also TWINE, FIBROUS; and CORD, FIBROUS. Excludes items with fittings or loop ends; HOUSELINE; RATLINE; ROPE, ASBESTOS; ROUNDLINE; SEIZING STUFF; YACHT MARLINE; ROPE; WIRE; and FIBER (as modified). View more Fibrous Rope

4020-21-582-4028 ROPE,FIBROUS 4020215824028 215824028

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4020-21-582-4028 is a Fibrous Rope

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