
Tackle Block

3940982014141 982014141

A mechanical device, consisting of a pulley(s) or sheave(s) encased in a shell or frame which may be provided with a means such as a hook, eye, strap, screw, etc., by which it may be attached to an object. It is used to change direction of a running rope and/or to gain a mechanical advantage. View more Tackle Block

3940-98-201-4141 BLOCK,TACKLE 3940982014141 982014141

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vendors Request Related Documents 3940-22-126-5642 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-39/fsc-3940/nz 3940-98-201-4141
Tackle Block 3940982014141 982014141 vendors Request Related Documents 3940-98-201-4141 https//
3940982014135 982014135 Rigging, and Slings (FSC 3940 ) 3940-14-411-9680 Tackle Block 3940-22-126-5642 3940982014141
Rigging, and Slings (FSC 3940) 3940-66-152-7937 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-39/fsc-3940/nz 3940-98-201-4141
Tackle Block 3940982014141 982014141 3940-98-201-4135 Tackle Block 3940-98-201-4141 https//www.nsnlookup.com
(FSC 3940) 3940-66-152-7937 Tackle, Rigging, and Slings (FSC 3940) -98-201-4135 Tackle Block 3940-98-201-4141
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-39/fsc-3940/fr 3940-14-411-9674 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-39/fsc-3940/nz 3940-98-201-4141
Tackle Block 3940982014141 982014141 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-39/fsc-3940/nz 3940-98-201-4141 https
Multiple Leg Sling 3940-14-411-9674 https//www.nsnlookup.com Tackle, Rigging, and Slings (FSC 3940) 3940-98-201-4141
Block 3940-98-201-4138 Tackle Block 3940-98-201-4137 Tackle Block 3940-98-201-4135 Tackle Block 3940-98-201-4141

3940-98-201-4141 Demil Restrictions 3940-98-201-4141


3940-98-201-4141 is a Tackle Block

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