
Hand Lift Truck

3920151924769 151924769 GNA41000000

A hand-propelled, wheeled vehicle having a mechanical or hydraulic operated lifting mechanism. It is used for lifting and transporting materials. For self-propelled (powered) pallet-type trucks, see TRUCK, PALLET, POWERED; and for self-propelled (powered) skid type (lift platform) trucks, see TRUCK, LIFT, PLATFORM. View more Hand Lift Truck

3920-15-192-4769 TRUCK,LIFT,HAND 3920151924769 151924769

Managed by Italy
NSN Created on 22 Mar 2010
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3920-15-192-4769 TRUCK,LIFT,HAND 3920151924769 151924769 1/1
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Day 3920-15-180-7687 RQST NE Related Documents https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-39/fsc-3920/it 3920-15-192-4769
Hand Lift Truck 3920151924769 151924769 Documents 3920-15-192-4769 2+ Documents ( More... ) https
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-39/fsc-3920 Material Handling Equipment, Nonself-Propelled from Italy (IT) Feb 2011 3920-15-192-4769
Day 3920-15-194-9160 RQST NE Related Documents https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-39/fsc-3920/it 3920-15-192-4769
Hand Lift Truck 3920151924769 151924769 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-39/fsc-3920 Material Handling Equipment
2010 3920-15-194-9160 Hand Lift Truck (241)ACA41140-782RNCC: 5 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: U 3 Feb 2011 3920-15-192-4769

3920-15-192-4769 Demil Restrictions 3920-15-192-4769


3920-15-192-4769 is a Hand Lift Truck

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Spain (YB)

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