
Hand Truck

3920127000152 127000152 67-00670510127 WDP 630-800G TGL8642 3920-10142

A nonpowered vehicle with one or more wheels, casters, or rollers attached directly to the bottom, a frame, an axle, a deck or a platform. It may have various types of superstructure(s) and/or handles and may include conversion feature(s) (two to four wheel operation) and may have special facilities to assist the operator in transporting loads on stairways. Excludes TRUCK, DOLLY; TRAILER (1) (as modified). View more Hand Truck

3920-12-700-0152 TRUCK,HAND 3920127000152 127000152

Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 12 Apr 1991
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January 2023
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3920-12-700-0152 TRUCK,HAND 3920127000152 127000152 1/1
NSN 3920-12-700-0152 (Generic Image) 1/1

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67-00670510127 WDP 630-800G TGL8642 3920-10142 A nonpowered vehicle with one or more
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web browser . 3920-12-175-9660Hand Truck3920121759660 121759660 TL3920-0009 1-0562 W502 3920-009 3920-10142
12-700-0152Hand Truck3920127000152 127000152 67-00670510127 WDP 630-800G TGL8642 3920
Hand Truck 3920127000152 127000152 12-700-0152Hand Truck3920127000152 127000152 67-00670510127
enable JavaScript in your web browser . 3920-12-126-3827Hand Truck3920121263827 121263827 390006 3920-10142
vendors Request Updated Every Day 3920-12-126-3827 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-39/fsc-3920/de 3920-12-700-0152
Hand Truck 3920127000152 127000152 12-700-0152Hand Truck3920127000152 127000152 67-00670510127
to enable JavaScript in your web browser . 3920-12-120-6065Hand Truck3920121206065 121206065 060 3920-10142
Hand Truck 3920127000152 127000152 12-700-0152Hand Truck3920127000152 127000152 67-00670510127
WDP 630-800G TGL8642 3920-10142 enable JavaScript in your web browser . 3920-12-126-3827Hand
Documents 3920-12-316-8419 1+ Documents ( More https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-39/fsc-3920/de 3920-12-700-0152
Hand Truck 3920127000152 127000152 Germany (DE) 1992 3920-12-150-8625 Konus 390004-610-5RNCC: 2

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