
Hand Cable Reeling Machine

3895340296059 340296059 315148-4

An item designed to accommodate, support, and actuate one or more wire and/or cable reel(s) for dispensing and/or recovering of wire, cord, or cable. It includes devices for cranking, or in other ways manually controlling the rotation of the reel(s). It may or may not include electrical connection(s), such as pigtail lead(s), stud terminal(s), and the like. It may or may not include reel(s) with or without electrical connection(s). See also REELING MACHINE, CABLE (as modified) by power drive mechanism(s), and PAYOUT REEL, CABLE. View more Hand Cable Reeling Machine

3895-34-029-6059 REELING MACHINE,CABLE,HAND 3895340296059 340296059

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Hand Cable Reeling Machine 3895340296059 315148-4 An item designed to accommodate, support, and actuate
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