Petroleum Production and Distribution Equipment - Greece (GR)

Federal Supply Class (FSC): 3835

NATO Supply Classification Class (NSC): 3835

Federal Supply Group (FSG): 38 Construction, Mining, Excavating, and Highway Maintenance Equipment

NATO Supply Classification Group (NSG): 38 Construction, Mining, Excavating, and Highway Maintenance Equipment

Items Managed by Greece (GR) - NCB is 23

NSN Format for Petroleum Production and Distribution Equipment
Codified by Greece

Federal Supply Class

NATO Supply Class 3835 refers to the category of Petroleum Production And Distribution Equipment within NATO Supply Group 38, which is dedicated to Construction, Mining, Excavating, And Highway Maintenance Equipment.

Petroleum Production And Distribution Equipment includes various types of machinery and tools used in the extraction, refining, storage, and transportation of petroleum products. This equipment is essential for the efficient and safe production and distribution of petroleum resources.

Some examples of equipment that fall under NATO Supply Class 3835 include:

1. Oil drilling rigs: These are used for drilling wells to extract crude oil from underground reservoirs.

2. Oil pumps: These devices are used to pump crude oil from wells to the surface or to transfer it between storage tanks.

3. Oil refineries: These facilities are used to process crude oil into various petroleum products such as gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel.

4. Storage tanks: These are used to store crude oil or refined petroleum products before they are transported to their final destinations.

5. Fuel dispensing equipment: This includes pumps, hoses, and nozzles used for dispensing petroleum products at gas stations or other refueling points.

6. Pipeline systems: These are used to transport petroleum products over long distances through a network of interconnected pipes.

7. Tanker trucks and trailers: These vehicles are used for transporting petroleum products from refineries or storage facilities to distribution points.

It's important to note that NATO Supply Class 3835 specifically focuses on equipment related to petroleum production and distribution. Other equipment related to construction, mining, excavating, and highway maintenance may fall under different NATO Supply Classes within NATO Supply Group 38.

Understanding the NATO Supply Classification System can be helpful when procuring or discussing equipment within NATO member countries, as it provides a standardized way to categorize and identify different types of equipment.

FSC 3835 Petroleum Production and Distribution Equipment - Greece (GR)
FSC 3835 Petroleum Production and Distribution Equipment - Greece (GR)

Includes Well Heads; Pumping Equipment; Gas Distribution Equipment.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) for Federal Supply Class 3835 Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) for Federal Supply Class 3835

What is Federal Supply Class 3835?
FSC 3835 is the Federal Supply Class (formally known as NATO Supply Classification Class NSC 3835) in the USA for supply items codified in the category of Petroleum Production and Distribution Equipment.
What is NATO Supply Classification Class 3835?
NSC 3835 is the NATO Supply Classification Class (also known as Federal Supply Class FSC 3835 in the USA) for supply items codified in the category of Petroleum Production and Distribution Equipment.
Which Federal Supply Group is FSC 3835 in?
FSC 3835 is in Federal Supply Group (FSG) 38 which contains Construction, Mining, Excavating, and Highway Maintenance Equipment.
Which NATO Supply Classification Group is NSC 3835 in?
NSC 3835 is in NATO Supply Classification Group (NSG) 38 which contains Construction, Mining, Excavating, and Highway Maintenance Equipment.

Stock Items From Supply Class 3835 Stock Items From Supply Class 3835 Page 1 of 1

RNCC: 3 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 5