
Diazo Process Copying Machine

3610211169138 211169138 STREAMLINER200 200-58

A machine which utilizes a light source to expose a diazosensitive paper/film and then passes the paper/film through a liquid, spray, or thermal developing process to reproduce copy from a translucent/transparent original. The original may be a negative or positive paper/film. For items utilizing a heat sensitive paper, see COPYING MACHINE, THERMOGRAPHIC PROCESS. View more Diazo Process Copying Machine

3610-21-116-9138 COPYING MACHINE,DIAZO PROCESS 3610211169138 211169138

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STREAMLINER200 200-58 A machine which utilizes a light source to expose a diazosensitive paper/film
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3610-21-116-9138 is a Diazo Process Copying Machine

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