
Countersink Holder

3460270192941 270192941 10131KA0114 NR147.353M18

A cylindrical shaped device specifically designed to hold and position, as well as to control the cutting depth of a COUNTERSINK. The holder may have a micrometer stop adjustment or a plain sleeve with nut adjustment. Countersink cutters accommodated by this holder are of a specific design. Excludes HOLDER, COUNTERBORE. View more Countersink Holder

3460-27-019-2941 HOLDER,COUNTERSINK 3460270192941 270192941

Managed by Turkey
NSN Created on 15 Nov 2003
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July 2023
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3460-27-019-2941 HOLDER,COUNTERSINK 3460270192941 270192941 1/1
NSN 3460-27-019-2941 (Generic Image) 1/1

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10131KA0114 NR147.353M18 A cylindrical shaped device specifically designed to hold and position, as
3460-27-019-2941 1+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-34/fsc-3460/tr 3460-27-019-2941
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3460-27-019-2941 is a Countersink Holder

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Turkey (ZW)

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