
Involute Gear Milling Cutter

3455123139813 123139813 2601-1NR3-20GR

A rotary cutting tool having form cutters, the form of which is such as will produce an involute-shaped tooth profile. Exclude CUTTER, MILLING, BEVEL GEAR. View more Involute Gear Milling Cutter

3455-12-313-9813 CUTTER,MILLING,INVOLUTE GEAR 3455123139813 123139813

Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 28 May 1988
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January 2023
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3455-12-313-9813 CUTTER,MILLING,INVOLUTE GEAR 3455123139813 123139813 1/1
NSN 3455-12-313-9813 (Generic Image) 1/1

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Involute Gear Milling Cutter 3455123139813 2601-1NR3-20GR A rotary cutting tool having form cutters,
9933 Involute Gear Milling Cutter 3455123139933 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-34/fsc-3455/de 3455-12-313-9813
Involute Gear Milling Cutter 3455123139813 Involute Gear Milling Cutter 3455123139933 3455-12-313
-9790 3455-27-011-7948 3455-12-313-9933 https 3455123139813 3455/no 3455-25-137-7651 Involute Gear Milling
9893 3455-14-231-4160 3455-12-313-9777 3455-12-314 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-34/fsc-3455/de 3455-12-313-9813
Involute Gear Milling Cutter 3455123139813 3455-27-011-7953 3455-27-010-7620 3455-12-313-9813 https
313-9790 3455-27-011-7948 3455-12-313-9933 3455-12-313-9937 3455-27-011-7953 3455-27-010-7620 3455-12-313-9813
CRITICALITY : | HMIC : | PMIC : | EDC: | ADPEC https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-34/fsc-3455/de 3455-12-313-9813
Involute Gear Milling Cutter 3455123139813 -011-7953 3455-27-010-7620 3455-12-313-9813 https 313
313-9790 3455-27-011-7948 3455-12-313-9933 3455-12-313-9937 3455-27-011-7953 3455-27-010-7620 3455-12-313-9813
-268-9347 3455-12-313-9893 3455-14-231-4160 https 313-9937 3455-27-011-7953 3455-27-010-7620 3455-12-313-9813
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Involute Gear Milling Cutter 3455123139813 Documents 3455-12-313-9813 5+ Documents ( More... )

3455-12-313-9813 Demil Restrictions 3455-12-313-9813


3455-12-313-9813 is a Involute Gear Milling Cutter

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